Winter Arts Festival 2016

December 29th, 2016

On Saturday December 10th here at iStage Academy we will be holding our first exciting annual Winter Arts Festival to showcase the talent, progress, and achievements of our students and teachers this semester. We use this day of performances to give our students an opportunity to work towards a public performance, prepare and rehearse and perform in front of family, friends and the public, which is central to the unique iStage experience.

Events will start at 9.30am and run all day, including dance, vocal, music and drama performances. Junior Musical Theatre students will be performing a haunting and lovely musical version of classic children’s story by Hans Christian Andersen ‘The Snow Queen’. Senior Musical Theatre students will be performing a new musical adaptation of Charles Dickens’ classic Christmas tale ‘A Christmas Carol’, which remains as timely and pertinent as ever, particularly with recent global events.

There will also be taster classes for our unique and very popular Music Intelligence, Young Composer, Little Percussionist, hip hop, Uklele, Drama and Creative English courses. You can sign up for these classes and for performances via our Wechat Livechat where you can find the full schedule of the day’s events. We expect the day to be very busy so please book early to avoid disappointment.

There will also of course be festive food and drink as well as lots of exciting surprises to get you properly in the Christmas spirit! Don’t miss it!