Hub Novo Event

December 29th, 2016

On Sunday 13th November our talented Music Specialist Miss Michelle Chang led 20 students to Hub Nova in Daning where they entertained a large crowd with an exciting performance of songs. Even though the performance was outside, the crowd was warmed and cheered by the wonderful singing and enthusiastic expressions on the faces of the choir. The choir was made up of a mixture of students from our own iStage Academy choirs and students from Vanke Bilingual School who also are benefiting from the iStage experience as part of their extra-curricular enrichment programme. In a matter of just a few weeks Michelle has created a cohesive singing group who very much enjoy their vocal warm ups, music games, choreographed routines, vocal rehearsals and opportunities to perform outside of their usual school shows and assemblies. The iStage experience is all about working towards a performance, not just in front of the usual friends and family so we are delighted that the choir had a chance to experience the thrill of live performance and we were delighted with how well and how confidently all the students performed and we thank Michelle for all her hard work in preparing for the performance and all the parents of the students for their help, support and encouragement in making this day such an enjoyable and successful one.