Open Day

November 22nd, 2016

Today at iStage Academy we were delighted to see so many new and returning parents and students visit us to sample our wide range of courses and classes, all for free Our···

Shanghai Female Entrepreneur Competition

November 22nd, 2016

On Saturday 12th November, we were absolutely delighted here at iStage that our Co-Founder and Managing Director, Miss Penny Jin, was awarded the grand first prize in···

Hub Novo Event

November 22nd, 2016

On Sunday 13th November our talented Music Specialist Miss Michelle Chang led 20 students to Hub Nova in Daning where they entertained a large crowd with an exciting···

Winter Arts Festival 2016

November 22nd, 2016

On Saturday December 10th here at iStage Academy we will be holding our first exciting annual Winter Arts Festival to showcase the talent, progress, and achievements of our···